Newborn Session Questionnaire
Pre Session Family Questionnaire
Pre Session Child Questionnare
Pre Session Senior Questionnaire
Pre Session Senior Questionnaire
This little form helps me learn a bit about you, and what your hopes are for your photo session
About You
Indicates required field
Email (Senior)
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number (Senior)
This is the number I will contact in case of emergency cancellation the day of your session!
Is text an acceptable way to quickly reach you?
FYI, text or email is an excellent way to communicate with me!
Facebook Profile
Instagram Name
What are you parents/Legal guardians names?
Email (Parent)
Phone Number (Parent)
This is the number I will contact in case of emergency cancellation the day of your session!
Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages?
Current High School:
Are you planning on attending college? If so, where?
What are you thinking about majoring in?
Extra Curricular Activities?
Sports, Hobbies, Fun Stuff?
What is your FAVORITE fashion trend right now?
What is your usual school style?
What is your favorite fashion clothing piece that you own?
What are your favorite clothing stores to shop at?
What is your favorite color TO WEAR and why?
How would you describe your personality?
What is your favorite book or magazine? List as many as you want
Who is your favorite singer and or band? List as many as you like
What is your latest favorite movie(s)?
What are your favorite classes in school?
What time of the day are you most likely to be on facebook or instagram from your phone or laptop?
Which do you use more Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
Do you have any props you want to include?
Why did you choose ME for your senior portraits photographer?
How did you hear about Sycamore Grove Photography? Is there someone I can thank for referring you to me?